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in der Zwischenzeit, für Zerstreuung:
snarky adjective \ˈsnär-kē\Definition of SNARKY1 : crotchety, snappish 2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner <snarky lyrics> — snark·i·ly \-kə-lē\ adverb Yes, irregardless" is a word.
No, that doesn't mean you should use it. » Examples of SNARKY
- <working all day with such snarky jerks is exhausting>
- <with champagne as a lubricant, she unleashed an unending series of snarky comments for the duration of the wedding reception>
- The writer at No. 10, Fred Mustard Stewart, died last February at 74. His obituary in The Guardian contained this snarky observation: “Year in, year out, the 600-page mark did not daunt him.” —Dwight Garner, New York Times Book Review, 24 Feb. 2008
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First Known Use: 1906
Related to SNARKY
Synonymscholeric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, fiery, grouchy, grumpy, irascible, peevish, perverse, pettish, petulant, prickly, quick-tempered, raspy, ratty, short-tempered, snappish, snappy, irritable, snippety, snippy, stuffy, testy, waspish[+]more
Rhymes with SNARKYbarky, larky
Learn More About SNARKY
Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "snarky"
SCRABBLE®: Playable words you can make from "snarky"
Urban Dictionary:
snark noun
Combination of "snide" and "remark". Sarcastic comment(s).
Also snarky (adj.) and snarkily (adv.) His commentary was rife with snark.
"Your boundless ineptitude is astounding," she snarkily declared.
by Tootybug47 February 09, 2004
20 Words related to snark
- snarky
- sarcasm
- snarked
- snarking
- bitch
- sarcastic
- snarkiness
- boojum
- humor
- snarks
- irony
- remark
- rude
- snide
- celebrity
- funny
- gossip
- snarkasm
- snerk
- trolling